Installation instructions for the Chesapeake Port Scanner, a Java-based implemention of a TCP port scanner. *** Requirements The Chesapeake Port Scanner requires the Java 1.0.2 or 1.1.1 run-time system. Your computer system must also have a network connection for Port Scanner to be useful. If you have a Windows95/NT system that uses dialup networking, Port Scanner will require that your dialup connection be operating before Port Scanner will run. *** Installing Java 1.0.2 runtime Download the Java run-time system appropriate for your system. If you have a computer system other than Windows95/NT or Sun Solaris, you may need to search the web for an implementation for your system. Please let us know of any other systems you find and we'll add links to them from our site. Select a directory for the installation of the Java run-time software. We recommend \java (/usr/local/java for Unix). The self-extracting zip file defaults to \java. There will be one subdirectory installed: \java\jdk1.0.2, which will have two subdirectories installed under it: \java\jdk1.0.2\bin and \java\jdk1.0.2\lib (/usr/local/java/bin and /usr/local/java/lib for Unix). A set of files will be installed in each of these directories. If you extract from the zip or tar file, make a note of the installation directory for configuring your environment (see below.) We expect that you know how to extract either the zip or tar file if you select one of these formats. *** Installing Chesapeake Port Scanner You may install the Chesapeake Port Scanner in any directory, but we recommend installing it in \java\tools\portscanner (/usr/local/java/tools/portscanner on Unix). The self-extracting zip file defaults to \java\tools\portscanner. Several files will be installed in this directory. *** Setting Your Search Path Next, you will need to configure your executable search PATH to include the 'bin' directory where you installed java. To include the java 'bin' directory in your executable path on Windows95/NT, add the following command to your autoexec.bat or execute it within a DOS window: set PATH=%PATH%;c:\java\jdk1.0.2\bin On Unix (Sun Solaris), modify your executable search path by adding the following command to your '.profile' (or equivalent startup file): PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/java/bin If you installed the Java run-time in a different location, then you will need to specify the java bin directory from the location where you installed it. *** Setting The CLASSPATH Java uses the CLASSPATH environment variable to seach for library files and components of Chesapeake's Port Scanner. On Windows95/NT, add the following command to your autoexec.bat or exeute it in the same DOS window where you set the PATH variable: set CLASSPATH=c:\java\jdk1.0.2\lib;c:\java\tools\portscanner or, for Unix: CLASSPATH=/usr/local/java/lib:/usr/local/java/tools/portscanner *** GUI operation To execute the Chesapeake Port Scanner on Windows95/NT, you need to start a DOS window. Within the window, change to the Chesapeake Port Scanner directory and start the Graphical User Interface with the commands: c:>cd \java\tools\portscanner c:>java portscan The GUI will appear on the screen with default values set. Modify the variables (it is often good to start off your testing with 'Threads' set to 10) as your test requires, then press the 'Start' button. When the Chesapeake Port Scanner has started, only the 'Cancel' and 'Quit' buttons will be active. You must stop a running Port Scanner before you can modify any parameters. Operation on Unix is very similar. Use the command 'java portscan' from within a shell window to start the GUI. IMPORTANT: If you include any arguments to the Chesapeake Port Scanner on the command line, the GUI will not start. See below, "Command-line Operation" for how to run Chesapeake Port Scanner from the command line. *** Command-line operation In network testing, you often only have remote (e.g. telnet) access to some of the systems. To perform testing in this environment, you need to use the Chesapeake Port Scanner in command-line mode. Make sure you have set your environment variables correctly (the PATH and CLASSPATH variables.) The command line version is started by including arguments which specify the direction of the transfer and the parameters to be used for the transfer. The possible arguments are: Host Name or IP address of host to scan. -s Start Port Number (default is 0) -e Ending Port Number (default is 65536) -t Number of Threads, you can have up to 20. (default is 10) -h Help -v Verbose, prints information while scanning from command line An example of a receiver command that uses the default values is as follows: java portscan -e 1000 -t 20 This will scan from port 1 to port 1000 with 20 threads. *** Other reading To find out more about Port Scanner, check out the Port Scanner web pages at the Chesapeake web site ( There you will find two articles about Port Scanner, one for the implementation in Cisco routers and the other describing the Chesapeake Port Scanner, including both the GUI and command-line interface.